Find everything you need to start using our SOAP API

Getting started

  • Our SOAP API allows you to easily integrate Infojobs features with third party applications such as ERPs, etc. Here you will find a catalog of the services we currently offer.
  • In order to use our SOAP operations you must provide your app client credentials. Some operations (e.g. posting a job offer) will be performed on behalf of an Infojobs user. To execute this kind of operations Infojobs provides an authentication and authorization process. Read more about user authentication and authorization.

WSAccessToken Service

Retrieves an access token with which you will be able to authenticate the user in private SOAP operations.

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSAccessTokenService?wsdl

WSDL Testing URL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSAccessTokenService?wsdl

Name Description


Retrieves an authentication access token.More information

WSOffer Service v3

This service provides a list of operations to be performed over a job offer, for instance: creation, deletion, etc..

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferV3Service?wsdl

WSDL Testing URL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferV3Service?wsdl

Name Description


Posts a new job offer. More information


Enables a disabled job offer.More information


Disables a job offer.More information


Edits a job offer.More information


Deletes an existing job offer.More information


Retrieves a list of the killer questions suggested by Infojobs. More information


Retrieves a list of posting profiles for a given user. More information


Retrieves a list of available upsellings for a given user.More information


Retrieves a list of offers by Employer.More information

WSListOfValues Service

This service is used to retrieve lists of static values that are required parameters for other operations, e.g: posting a job offer. Examples of list of values can be Provinces, Countries, etc.

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSListOfValuesService?wsdl

WSDL TestingURL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSListOfValuesService?wsdl

Name Description


Retrieves the elements of a list of values.More information


Retrieves the elements of a list of values for a given parent id element.More information

WSOfferCurriculum Service

This service returns all information from CVs sent by candidates that have applied to the given offer.

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferCurriculumService?wsdl

WSDL TestingURL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferCurriculumService?wsdl

Name Description

@Deprecated  getOfferCurriculumsV2

This operation returns all information from CVs sent by candidates that have applied to the given offer.More information


This operation returns all information from CVs sent by candidates that have applied to the given offer with optional birthDate.More information

WSOfferstock Service

This service returns the authenticated employer offer stock and the related offer codes.

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferstockService?wsdl

WSDL TestingURL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferstockService?wsdl

Name Description


This operation returns the offer stock of an authenticated employer.More information

WSApplicationTimelineService Service

This service allows the employer to send new events to the candidates timelines.

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSApplicationTimelineService?wsdl

WSDL TestingURL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSApplicationTimelineService?wsdl

Name Description


This operation allows to post an event on a candidate timeline.More information

Deprecated operations


WSOffer Service v2

This service provides a list of operations to be performed over a job offer, for instance: creation, deletion, etc..

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferV2Service?wsdl

WSDL Testing URL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferV2Service?wsdl

Name Description


Posts a new job offer. More information


Enables a disabled job offer.More information


Disables a job offer.More information


Edits a job offer.More information


Deletes an existing job offer.More information


Retrieves a list of the killer questions suggested by Infojobs. More information


Retrieves a list of posting profiles for a given user. More information


Retrieves a list of available upsellings for a given user.More information


Retrieves a list of offers by Employer.More information


WSOffer Service

This service provides a list of operations to be performed over a job offer, for instance: creation, deletion, etc..

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferService?wsdl

WSDL Testing URL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSOfferService?wsdl

Name Description


Posts a new job offer. More information


Enables a disabled job offer.More information


Disables a job offer.More information


Edits a job offer.More information


Deletes an existing job offer.More information


Retrieves a list of the killer questions suggested by Infojobs. More information


Retrieves a list of posting profiles for a given user. More information


Retrieves a list of available upsellings for a given user.More information


WSExportCV Service v2

Exports CVs (previously authorized by candidate and marked for export by employer) that have applied to an offer.

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSCVExportV2Service?wsdl

WSDL Testing URL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSCVExportV2Service?wsdl

Name Description

@Deprecated  findCvsASPAppliedToOffer

Returns all information from CVs sent by candidates that have applied to an offer in a corporate portal. More information


Returns all the CVs registered in the Corporate Portal. More information


Exports CVs that have applied to an offer at InfoJobs portal. More information


Returns a list of job offers published by the employee. More information


Returns a list of job offers published by the employee. More information


WSExportCV Service

Exports CVs (previously authorized by candidate and marked for export by employer) that have applied to an offer.

WSDL Production URL: https://api.infojobs.[net|it]/soap/WSCVExportService?wsdl

WSDL Testing URL: https://api.infojobssbx.[net|it]/soap/WSCVExportService?wsdl

Name Description


Returns all information from CVs sent by candidates that have applied to an offer in a corporate portal. More information


Returns all the CVs registered in the Corporate Portal. More information


Exports CVs that have applied to an offer at InfoJobs portal. More information


Returns a list of job offers published by the employee. More information


Returns a list of job offers published by the employee. More information