This operation returns all information from CVs sent by candidates that have applied to the given offer.
Resource URL
- User Role: role_employer
Name | Description |
offerId String Required |
The String ID that identifies the job offer. Example value: 415504151095442440892810531145 |
startDate Date Required |
The first date for the candidate applications to return. Date format must be in RFC_3339 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z' Example value: 2012-02-22T09:00:00Z |
endDate Date Optional (default value is current date) |
The last date for the candidate applications to return. Date format must be in RFC_3339 format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'. Example value: 2012-02-22T09:05:00Z |
page Integer Optional |
The page of the result you want to be returned. If this pararemeter is not informed, by default it returns the first page. Example value: 4 |
state String Optional |
Used to show the list of curriculums according to the state of the application. If this parameter is not informed, the response will return all the applications. Example value: received Allowed values: recieved | in-process | finalist | discarded |
Response fields
Name | Description |
offerId String |
Job offer identifier. The same value as the input parameter. Maximum length: 100 |
curriculums Array(Curriculum) |
An array of Curriculums applied for the given offer. |
totalPages Integer |
The total number of pages that forms the result. When the number of Curriculums to return is bigger than the page size, the result will be returned in several pages. The maximum number of Curriculums per page is 30. |
totalCurriculums Integer |
The total number of curriculums returned. |
currentPage Integer |
The page of the result which is being returned. |
currentCurriculums Integer |
The curriculums returned in the selected page. The maximum number of Curriculums per page is 30. |
Name | Description |
candidateId String |
The candidate's identifier. Maximum length: 100 |
curriculumId String |
The curriculum's identifier. Maximum length: 100 |
String |
The candidate's email. Maximum length: 50 |
lastUpdate Date |
The date of the last Curriculum's update in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
personalData |
Entity containing candidate's personal data. |
educations Array(Education) |
Array of Education items, containing candidate's academic studies. |
experiences Array(Experience) |
Array of Experience items, containing candidate's professional experience. |
futureJob |
Entity containing candidate's availability and motivations to change job. |
skills |
Entity containing candidate's skills, such as their expertise in a particular area or their language habilities. |
cvtext String |
The original Curriculum in plain text format. |
tests Array(Test) |
Array of Test items, containing all the taken tests by the candidate. |
labels Array(String) |
Array with the labels of the CV. |
application |
Entity containing all data related to the candidate's application. |
curriculumFileLink String |
Temporal Link to access the Candidate Cv file in PDF. Duration of 15 minutes. Will be an attached cv or a generated one using the Infojobs Profile. |
Name | Description |
name String |
Candidate's name. Maximum length: 50 |
surname1 String |
Candidate's family name. Besides being mandatory, candidates registered in 2008 or before may have this field null/empty. Maximum length: 50 |
surname2 String |
Candidate's second family name. Maximum length: 50 |
nationalIdentityCardType Long |
The type of national identity card informed by the candidate. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: DOCUMENTTYPE. |
nationalIdentityCard String |
The national identity card informed by the candidate. Maximum length: 25 |
birthDate Date Nullable |
The birthDay of the candidate in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
gender Long |
The gender of the candidate. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: SEXS. |
country Long |
The country where the candidate inhabits. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: COUNTRIES. |
province Long |
The province where the candidate inhabits. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: PROVINCES. |
city String |
The city the where the candidate inhabits. Maximum length: 50 |
address String |
The home address where the candidate inhabits. Maximum length: 100 |
zipCode String |
The zip code where the candidate inhabits. Maximum length: 10 |
preferredContactPhone String |
Which user phone is preferred for contact. Possible values are: foreign-phone | mobile-phone | land-line-phone. |
mobilePhone String |
The mobile phone of the candidate. The phone does not include the country area and is composed by numerical characters. Depending of the country the phone is 9 numeric characters long or more. Maximum length: 50 |
landLinePhone String |
The regular phone line of the candidate. The phone does not include the country area and is composed by numerical characters. Depending of the country the phone is 9 numeric characters long or more. Maximum length: 50 |
internationalPhone String |
The foreign phone of the candidate. The phone contains the country code and is composed by an optional plus sign followed by up to 20 numeric characters. Maximum length: 50 |
webpages Array(URL) Nullable |
An array contaning personal URL's of the candidate. For example, facebook, twitter, blog, etc. The definition of URL entities is below. |
photo String Nullable |
The URI to the candidate's photo. |
driverLicenses Array(Long) |
The driver licenses the candidate user holds. It's possible to inform multiple values. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: DRIVINGLICENCES. |
vehicleOwner Boolean |
True is the cadidate has a vehicle, false otherwise. |
freelance Boolean |
True if the candidate wants to work as a freelance, false otherwise |
nationalities Array(Long) |
The countries list where the candidate holds a nationality. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: COUNTRIES. |
workPermits Array(Long) Nullable |
Array with the countries or regions where the candidate is allowed to work. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: FREEZONES. |
Name | Description |
url String |
Candidate's online blog, webpage or profile URL. Maximum length: 200 |
type type |
The key that describes the type of URL. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: URLTYPE. |
Name | Description |
id Long |
The education item identifier. |
educationLevel Long |
Text key identifying the education level code. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: STUDIESLEVEL. |
courseCode Long Nullable |
Text key that identifies the branch of study or further details about to the education level previously described. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: DETAILSTUDIES. |
courseName String Nullable |
This field must be informed when there is no courseCode associated to the educationLevel. Maximum length: 200 |
startingDate Date Nullable |
The date the education item was started in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
finishingDate Date Nullable |
The date the education item was completed in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'. This field is not returned when currentlyEnrolled parameter is true. |
currentlyEnrolled Boolean |
Whether the candidate is still enrolled in this education. |
institutionName String Nullable |
The name of the institution where the education took place. Maximum length: 300 |
Name | Description |
id Long |
The experience item identifier. |
title String |
Role developed in that experience. Maximum length: 150 |
description String Nullable |
Brief explanation about what was the role about for that experience. Maximum length: 4000 |
company String |
Name of the company where the experience were developed. Maximum length: 150 |
startingDate Date |
The starting date for that experience in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
finishingDate Date Nullable |
The date when that experience was finished in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'. This field is not returned when currentlyWorking parameter is true. |
currentlyWorking Boolean |
Whether the candidate is still working on that professional experience. |
level Long |
Text key that classifies the professional level for that experience, related to the role responsabiliy. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: LABORALLEVEL. |
category Long |
Text key that indicates the professional category. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: CATEGORIES. |
subcategories Array(Long) |
An array of text keys that indicates the professional subcategories. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: SUBCATEGORIES. |
industry Long Nullable |
Text key that classifies the experience on its professional sector. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: INDUSTRIES. |
staffInCharge Long Nullable |
Text key that indicates how many collegues were the user leading on that experience. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: PERSONNELTOPOSITION. |
salaryMin Long Nullable |
Minimum value of the experience salary range. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: WAGEAMOUNT. |
salaryMax Long Nullable |
Maximum value of the experience salary range. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: WAGEAMOUNT. |
salaryPeriod Long Nullable |
Time range of the salary values (Year, Month, Week,...). In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: WAGEPERIOD. |
managerLevel Long Nullable |
Text key that classifies the candidate's manager level for that experience, related to the role responsabiliy. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: MANAGERPROFESSIONALLEVEL. |
skills Array(Expertise) Nullable |
Returns an array of skills learned or related to that experience. Maximum length: 100 |
Name | Description |
currentlyWorking Boolean |
True if the candidate is currently working, false otherwise.
employmentStatus Long |
The employment status of the candidate. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: EMPLOYMENTSTATUS.
motivationToChange String |
Description with the motivations to change job. Maximum length: 1500 |
yearsOfExperience Long Nullable |
The number of years of experience of the candidate. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: EXPERIENCES. |
lastJobSearch Long Nullable |
Describes how the candidate found their last job. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: COMOLASTJOB. |
lastJobSearchDetails String Nullable |
Detailed explanation of how the candidates found their last job. Maximum length: 150 |
preferredJob String |
Job position preferred by the candidate in his/her future job. Minimum length: 4 |
careerGoals String |
Description with the goals expected in the new job. Maximum length: 1500 |
preferredSubcategories Array(Long) |
The subcategories under which the candidate's future job should fall into. There can be multiple subcategories. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: SUBCATEGORIES.. |
contractTypes Array(Long) Nullable |
The contract type preferred by the candidate in his future job. There can be multiple values. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: CONTRACTS. |
workDay Long Nullable |
The working time preferred by the candidate in his future job. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: DAYS. |
availabilityToChangeHomeAddress Long |
The candidate availability to change home address, for example, move to another region. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: DISPONIBILITIES. |
availabilityToTravel Long |
The candidate's availability to travel. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: DISPONIBILITIES. |
preferredDestinations Array(Long) Nullable |
The preferred destinations in case of change of home address. There can be multiple values. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: COMUNITIES. *The preferredDestinations will not contain values if the availabilityToChangeHomeAddress has been set to bad. |
salaryPeriod Long Nullable |
The Salary pay period without taxes. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: WAGEPERIOD. |
SalaryMin Long Nullable |
The minimum salary accepted by the candidate in his future job. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: WAGEAMOUNT. |
preferredSalary Long Nullable |
The salary expected by the candidate in his future job. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: WAGEAMOUNT. |
*Important: When an user registers for the first time and does not modify the FutureJob entity later the above fields will be null except: careerGoals, currentlyWorking, motivationToChange, preferredJob & yearsOfExperience (this one only if currentlyWorking is true).
Name | Description |
expertise Array(Expertise) |
Returns a list of expertise skills in a particular area. |
languages Array(Language) |
Returns a list of language skills. |
Name | Description |
id Long |
The skill identifier. If it is not an InfoJobs classified skill, this field will not be sent. |
Name String |
The skill descriptive name. Maximum length: 100 |
level String |
The key identifier of the expertise level for this skill. Below you can see the possible values for this field. |
key | Public name |
bajo |
Bajo |
medio |
Medio |
alto |
Alto |
Name | Description |
name Long |
The key identifier of the language. In order to obtain all valid identifiers you can use the operation findByListName operation with publicNameKey: LANGUAGES. |
reading String |
The key indentifier of the reading level for this skill. Below you can see the possible values for this field. |
speaking String |
The key identifier of the speaking level for this skill. Below you can see the possible values for this field. |
writing String |
The key identifier of the writing level for this skill. Below you can see the possible values for this field. |
comments String |
Candidate comments about this skill. Maximum length: 200 |
key | Public name |
nulo |
Nulo |
elemental |
Elemental |
conversacion |
Conversación |
negociacion |
Negociación |
nativo |
Nativo |
key | Public name |
nulo |
Nulo |
basico |
Básico |
medio |
Medio |
alto |
Alto |
excelente |
Excelente |
Name | Description |
type String |
Description of the type of the test. |
authority String |
The entity or authority which makes the test and certifies the candidate's mark. |
level String |
Level reached in test. |
comments String |
Verbose description of level reached in test. Maximum length: 2000 |
result String |
The mark that the candidate obtained for the test. |
date Date |
The date when the test was taken, using the format RFC_3339 including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z' |
Name | Description |
id String |
The application identifier. Maximum length: 100 |
date Date |
The date when the candidate applied for the job offer in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'. |
cvVisibilityEndDate Date |
The date until the CV will be available in RFC_3339 format including milliseconds: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss.SSS'Z'. |
coverletter String Nullable |
The coverletter that the candidate wrote for the application. Maximum length: 4000 |
openQuestions ApiList(Question) Nullable |
Open answer questions relatated to the offer with the candidates answers. |
killerQuestions ApiList(KillerQuestion) Nullable |
Multiple choice questions related to the offer with the candidate's answers. |
Name | Description |
id Long |
The question's identifier. |
question String |
The question. Maximum length: 500 |
answer String |
The candidate's answer. Maximum length: 1500 |
Name | Description |
id Long |
The question's identifier. |
question String |
The question. Maximum length: 500 |
answerId Long |
The answer's identifier. |
answer String |
The candidate's answer. Maximum length: 1500 |
score Long |
Score assigned to this answer. |
Error codes
Code | Description |
WS.150 |
Expired access token |
WS.152 |
Access Token is required |
WS.153 |
Access token not authorized for this operation |
WS.154 |
Invalid access token |
WS.155 |
Invalid access token |
WS.156 |
Wrong access token |
WS.1102 |
The offer with given code does not exists. |
WS.2052 |
The given range of dates is invalid. |
WS.2053 |
The given date format could not be parsed. Please verify the format used is RTC_3339: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'. |
WS.2054 |
Encoding issue was found when a parameter was being parsed. The used encoding must be UTF-8. |
WS.2055 |
The given page is invalid. It must be a number greater than 0. |
WS.2109 |
The state is not valid for an application. |
WS.2115 |
Current user is not allowed to use this service. Missing ERP Integration product |
WS.3000 |
Missing required parameter in the request. |
This example retrieves all information from CVs sent by candidates that have applied to the given offer.
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:off=""> <soapenv:Header xmlns:ij="" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""> <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1"> <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="SecurityToken-3025a7e6-5134-48a6-b021-350bd5ddc789"> <wsse:Username>SOAP-TEST</wsse:Username> <wsse:Password Type="">SOAP-TEST-PASSWORD</wsse:Password> </wsse:UsernameToken> </wsse:Security> <ij:authnHeader> <token>20000000-0000-0000</token> </ij:authnHeader> </soapenv:Header> <soapenv:Body> <off:getOfferCurriculumsV3> <!--Optional:--> <offerId>b22211111145df5fac21c1d8ba12d3</offerId> <!--Optional:--> <arg1> <startDate>2000-08-09T10:57:00Z</startDate> <endDate>2017-04-09T10:57:00Z</endDate> <page>2</page> <state>recieved</state> </arg1> </off:getOfferCurriculumsV3> </soapenv:Body> </soapenv:Envelope>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap=""> <soap:Header> <wsse:Security soap:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="" xmlns:wsu=""> <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="TS-1"> <wsu:Created>2018-03-14T16:16:17.637Z</wsu:Created> <wsu:Expires>2018-03-14T16:21:17.637Z</wsu:Expires> </wsu:Timestamp> </wsse:Security> </soap:Header> <soap:Body> <ns1:getOfferCurriculumsV3Response xmlns:ns1=""> <wsOfferCurriculumResponseBean> <currentPage>2</currentPage> <currentCurriculums>2</currentCurriculums> <curriculum> <application> <coverLetter/> <date>2013-02-22T00:00:00+01:00</date> <id>f16eeb0d-88a4-4b94-a07a-18f6411c5320</id> </application> <candidateId>5ea3a52c-4770-41ee-98c8-7cc863913f6b</candidateId> <curriculumId>d89c2b13-9c30-4b29-9575-f2caa71599f4</curriculumId> <cvtext/> <educations> <courseCode>395</courseCode> <courseName/> <currentlyEnrolled>false</currentlyEnrolled> <educationLevel>55</educationLevel> <finishingDate>2004-10-01T00:00:00+02:00</finishingDate> <id>15158381614</id> <institutionName/> <startingDate>1999-10-01T00:00:00+02:00</startingDate> </educations> <educations> <courseName/> <currentlyEnrolled>false</currentlyEnrolled> <educationLevel>50</educationLevel> <finishingDate>1999-10-01T00:00:00+02:00</finishingDate> <id>15158381610</id> <institutionName/> <startingDate>1993-01-01T00:00:00+01:00</startingDate> </educations> <email></email> <experiences> <category>50</category> <company>Contrataci�n propia</company> <currentlyWorking>true</currentlyWorking> <description/> <id>15158381632</id> <level>3</level> <managerLevel>5</managerLevel> <salaryMax>240</salaryMax> <salaryMin>230</salaryMin> <salaryPeriod>2</salaryPeriod> <startingDate>1999-10-01T00:00:00+02:00</startingDate> <subcategories>3028</subcategories> <title>Pintor</title> </experiences> <futureJob> <availabilityToChangeHomeAddress>3</availabilityToChangeHomeAddress> <availabilityToTravel>3</availabilityToTravel> <careerGoals/> <currentlyWorking>false</currentlyWorking> <motivationToChange/> <preferredDestinations>1</preferredDestinations> <preferredJob>Pintor</preferredJob> <preferredSubcategories>3028</preferredSubcategories> <yearsOfExperience>6</yearsOfExperience> </futureJob> <lastUpdate>2013-02-22T12:25:34+01:00</lastUpdate> <personalData> <address/> <birthDate>1976-04-11T00:00:00+02:00</birthDate> <city>Alava</city> <country>17</country> <driverLicenses>1</driverLicenses> <freelance>false</freelance> <gender>20</gender> <internationalPhone/> <landLinePhone/> <mobilePhone>695190512</mobilePhone> <name>Paulina</name> <nationalIdentityCard>19284329W</nationalIdentityCard> <nationalIdentityCardType>1</nationalIdentityCardType> <nationalities>17</nationalities> <province>2</province> <surname1>Arias</surname1> <surname2/> <vehicleOwner>false</vehicleOwner> <zipCode>08227</zipCode> </personalData> <skills> <expertise> <id>2013127670</id> <level>alto</level> <name>Dise�o de maquinaria industrial</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013128006</id> <level>alto</level> <name>Dise�o de muebles</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013127576</id> <level>alto</level> <name>Dise�o de veh�culos aeroespaciales</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013126360</id> <level>alto</level> <name>Pintura al �leo</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013126364</id> <level>alto</level> <name>Pintura con acr�licos</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013127944</id> <level>alto</level> <name>Pintura de obra</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013127740</id> <level>medio</level> <name>Colorantes, adhesivos y pinturas</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013129188</id> <level>medio</level> <name>Dise�o de calzado</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>2013126366</id> <level>medio</level> <name>Pintura con acuarelas</name> </expertise> <expertise> <id>172789065</id> <level>medio</level> <name>Pintura de veh�culos</name> </expertise> <language> <comments/> <name>2</name> <reading>172786762</reading> <speaking>172786749</speaking> <writing>172786756</writing> </language> <language> <comments/> <name>1</name> <reading>172786761</reading> <speaking>172786748</speaking> <writing>172786752</writing> </language> <language> <comments/> <name>9</name> <reading>172786759</reading> <speaking>172786745</speaking> <writing>172786752</writing> </language> </skills> </curriculum> <curriculum> <application> <coverLetter/> <date>2013-02-22T00:00:00+01:00</date> <id>eefb81cc-a052-46f3-99cd-76e437ce2272</id> </application> <candidateId>0806b2e6-7fa0-4d5d-b6f2-333bf03a77b8</candidateId> <curriculumId>32d96e83-3aec-4c50-b9e6-6f1277980aba</curriculumId> <cvtext>Experiencia profesional 1999-2001 Nombre del grupo en el que se ha trabajado Cargo: Nombre del cargo que se ha desempe�ado Funci�n: Descripci�n de las funciones que se han desempe�ado en la empresa. No es necesario que sean muy detalladas, pero si que den una idea general de las capacidades del candidato 1999-2001 Nombre del grupo en el que se ha trabajado Cargo: Nombre del cargo que se ha desempe�ado Funci�n: Descripci�n de las funciones que se han desempe�ado en la empresa. No es necesario que sean muy detalladas, pero si que den una idea general de las capacidades del candidato 1999-2001 Nombre del grupo en el que se ha trabajado Cargo: Nombre del cargo que se ha desempe�ado Funci�n: Descripci�n de las funciones que se han desempe�ado en la empresa. No es necesario que sean muy detalladas, pero si que den una idea general de las capacidades del candidato Formaci�n acad�mica 1999-2001 Nombre de la titulaci�n Instituci�n que otorga el t�tulo Breve descripci�n de la formaci�n adquirida 1999-2001 Nombre de la titulaci�n Instituci�n que otorga el t�tulo Breve descripci�n de la formaci�n adquirida Otros datos Idiomas Ingl�s: Nivel alto. T�tulo. Alem�n: Nivel Intermedio. T�tulo Inform�tica Programa. Nivel de conocimiento Programa. 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