InfoJobs API Quick Start Guide

Follow these steps to start using InfoJobs Live data in under 5 minutes!

  1. Login into InfoJobs developers program

    You can use your InfoJobs account to login into the developers site. If you don't have an InfoJobs account you may create one by registering into our employment or training portals. Once you have an account you may login.

  2. Register your application and get your credentials

    Application credentials are unique identifiers that will help us knowing which developer and application is making a call. You will receive a Client ID and a Client secret once you register your application.

  3. Authenticate your calls

    You have to provide the previous credentials on every API call by using HTTP basic access authentication. Here we provide you with a page with further information about application authentication.

    Some API operations also need to access some InfoJobs user private data. Your application will need the user to explicitly give his consent to do so. In addition you must never ask your users to provide their credentials (i.e. email and password) to your application but follow our user authentication guidelines.

  4. Choose the operations you want to use

    Go to our operations list to see which operations we have currently implemented for you to interact with InfoJobs. For every operation we provide you with its URL, the input parameters, the response fields and some examples of use.

    We also provide a test console which acts as a reference client implementation for you to see the operations in action and make test calls.

Ready to code!

You are now ready to start coding your application.